Thursday, November 29, 2007

Religious Pluralism, Part II: Overcoming the Conservative Hate Machine

This just in: today's Washington Post reports that opponents of presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) are spreading "rumors" that he is a Muslim. "Muslim" is obviously being used to associate Senator Obama with radical Islamic terrorists, and to otherwise smear him as un-American. How vile. And, given the current state of political discourse in the United States, how sadly predictable.

And, not to quibble, but although the definition of the word "rumor" is technically applicable to the particular innuendo and insinuations being made about Senator Obama, I think that the Post erred in its usage. You spread rumors about the teacher who is thought to be a child molester. You spread rumors about the mayor's alleged affair with a member of the city council. You spread rumors about the doting old biddy church volunteer who is suspected of pilfering donations from the collection plate. You don't spread rumors about what faith someone supposedly belongs to. So, please, writers and editors of the Post, stick to (return to?) accurate reporting and analysis. FOX, The Weekly Standard, The American Spectator, and other conservative "news" outlets have the rumor mill and character assassination beat covered.

(Tom Toles editorial cartoon: Washington Post, November 30, 2007)

So, now that we've got that settled, think this is the last time we'll see an American politician's alleged connections to the Muslim faith used against him or her? Sadly, no. There are loads of conservative Republicans who are all too happy to keep fanning the flames of ignorance, hate and divisiveness, such as:

Tarring all members of a given faith or ethnic group with the same hateful brush is part and parcel of all of history's fascist movements and governments. Sowing the seeds of hatred and mistrust, fanning the flames of suspicion and fear: what good, constructive purpose can this possibly serve? And how can people who willingly engage in this type of behavior look at themselves in the mirror or sleep at night?

Where Is the Love? (Black Eyed Peas)


CBS: Obama is "Dogged by Muslim Rumors" (Talking Points, November 29, 2007)

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