"The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much." Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
"It's the lie of evolution that all man are just evolved and that they're all equal, and that all creatures are equal."
"People recognize something's going to happen, and they'd better get ready." - "Rev." Tim LaHaye
E Pluribus Unum. That's still the unofficial motto of the United States, right? I mean, I know that 9/11 was supposed to have "changed everything", but I didn't think that actually meant EVERYTHING. I pull a quarter out of my pocket, there it is, E Pluribus Unum. The last time I checked, this phrase is still found on the Great Seal of the United States. But do we even remember what it means these days? Of many, one. Can we honestly say that at this moment in our history, this phrase fittingly describes the state of our union?
This question confronts us as our nation continues to reel from the aftershocks of 9/11, which are perpetuated by mendacious, opportunistic politicians who exploit the memory of that horrible day in order to harvest votes and maintain power for its own sake. Mitt Romney recently stated that he would not appoint a Muslim to his prospective Cabinet, because "based on the numbers of American Muslims [as a percentage] in our population, I cannot see that a cabinet position would be justified." This from a member of the Mormon Church, United States membership of which currently stands at approximately 5.7 million. By Mitt's own informal reckoning process, American Mormons, like their Muslim brethren, fall well short of mathematically qualifying for Cabinet consideration (at least according to Kevin Drum of The Washington Monthly). Romney has since tried to spin the content and character of his comments, but I think it is fair to speculate that Romney's motives for marginalizing American Muslims might have something to do with playing to anti-Muslim sentiment among the Evangelical Christian voters he is so desperate to court. Now, there is no denying that the 9/11 attacks radically impacted America's relationship with the Islamic world. And when the Saudi embassy funds a private Muslim school just outside of Washington, DC, and won't allow an independent inspection of the textbooks it uses, even the casual observer may grow alarmed and in turn begin to view all Muslims on American soil with suspicion.
It isn't the casual observer who is sounding off with hysterical diatribes, however. A cursory Google search with the phrase "americans hate muslims" generated the following links, among others:
- Americans hate working class Muslims (Rants and Raves: San Francisco Craigs List, November 27, 2007)
Are we on the brink of WWIII? (Tim LaHaye)
Enough. Incendiary comments and attitudes, like the inferno they are forged in, suck all of the oxygen out of the air and stifle healthy discussion of alternatives that are available right here, right now. The majority of Americans are not born with a hard-wired predisposition to hate Muslims any more than Muslims are born hard-wired to hate America. The majority of Americans OPPOSE the very notion of transforming America into a theocratic police state. While we were all busy arguing about who is more patriotic, about whose religion is better or right, others have been working to lay the foundation for a fully-functioning pluralistic society, the kind that the American nation was founded to sustain in the first place. Those of us who count ourselves as members of the interfaith community need to get on board with this. If we value notions such as freedom to worship and freedom from worship; if we value the notion of the Common Good and the types of institutions it takes to sustain this; if we value participating in and contributing to a society where, as Dr. Eboo Patel puts it, all members enjoy equal dignity and mutual loyalty, then we need to put our money where our collective mouth is and do what it takes to make pluralism more than an unofficial motto for our country. There are some links to resources below that will hopefully get you started. The YouTube video with Dr. Patel is over an hour long, but if you've got the time it is definitely worth watching and listening to. So, read, inform yourself, and then let's get to work. There is no time to waste, and we have a lot of ground to make up. Salam.
- Doug L.
Dr. Eboo Patel: The Faith Line
The New Evangelical Leaders: Part I, Jim Wallis (Krista Tippett, Speaking of Faith, November 29, 2007)
CBS probes if the Christian Right is turning Left (RawStory.com, November 30, 2007)
Mitt the Mormon: Why Romney Needs to Talk About His Faith (Slate.com, November 27, 2007)
No Child of God Left Behind, by Eboo Patel (Washington Post: OnFaith, November 26, 2007)
Interfaith Youth Core
Securing the Common Good: A Vision for America and the World (Center for American Progress, October 2006)
The Pluralism Project at Harvard University
Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America (Catholic Charities USA)
Tim LaHaye's Paranoid Politics (Faithful Progressive blog, February 23, 2005)
Reacting to religious diversity: exclusivism, pluralism & inclusivism (ReligiousTolerance.org)
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, by Chris Hedges
If Best-Selling End-Times Author Tim LaHaye Has His Way, Church-State Separation Will Be... Left Behind (Americans United for Separation of Church and State, February 2002)
In the Name of Allah's Law, by Hesham A. Hassaballa (BeliefNet.com)
Modern Wahhabism: A Mutation of Its Founder's Islamic Principles (BeliefNet.com)
1 comment:
Hello, Doug
Thanks for the thoughtful and thorough article, as usual. Let's check with the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington to see whether there are plans to bring Eboo Patel to the East Coast anytime soon. Pacem in Terris and the Community for Integrative Learning are organizations in Wilmington that might have an interest in co-sponsoring.
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