Much to the amused delight of his fellow assembled Republicans, then-Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) allowed a clearly staged cell phone call to interrupt his introductory remarks at a 2004 Republican Governors Association fundraiser. Unlike Rudy Giuliani, who recently pulled a similar stunt during an appearance with the National Rifle Association (and to a much less amused response), Gov. Huckabee didn't allow his remarks to be interrupted merely by his third wife. No, when Mike picked up the phone, it was GOD HIMSELF on the line. And from what we're able to overhear from Gov. Huckabee's half of the convesation, it sounds like GOD IS A REPUBLICAN!
How cute. And, in case you thought this little prank is an isolated incident, the rare occasion when Gov. Huckabee mixes religion and politics, here are some of the highlights from Gov. Huckabee's belief system:
- Doug L.

Huck and the Moneycons (, December 15, 2007)
Matt Taibbi on Mike Huckabee, Our Favorite Right-Wing Nut Job (Rolling Stone, November 14, 2007)
OK... so God isn't a Republican. He is an American, though... (, September 15, 2006)
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