Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rudy: Night and Day on Rights for Gays

Is Rudy Giuliani Catholic? He certainly thinks so. "My moral views on this come from the, you know, from the Catholic Church," he said this past weekend on Meet the Press in response to a question on homosexuality.

I've already weighed in once before on the type of Catholic I think Rudy is. For now, I'll just cut to the chase and say that we can automatically presume that every statement that comes out of Giuliani's mouth from this point forward is either a calculated misstatement of the facts, or simply utter bullshit. Actually, he scores a bullshit twofer on the issue of gay rights:

  • One: Until he was a candidate for president, and most likely not until he was interviewed by Tim Russert, Giuliani's "moral views on this" sure as hell did not come from the Catholic Church.
  • Two: The Catholic Church's position on homosexuality is bullshit.
Now, that second bullet may be my own opinion, but the first one is a cold, hard fact. Giuliani has been far to the left of his Church, not to mention his beloved Republican Party, when it comes to the question of gay rights. I guess, what with how busy Rudy was single-handedly saving New York City from 9/11, and then talking about it ad nauseum for over six years straight, he must not have realized that we live in an electronic information age- you know, the historic type of period where the stuff you say and do as, you know, an elected public official, is easily discovered. So, let's compare and contrast how Roman Catholic Rudy Giuliani has addressed the issue of gay rights in the recent past:
Rudy Giuliani is a former federal prosecutor. As such, I'll tip my hat to his former role and simply say, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.

- Doug L.


It's All Because (The Gays Are Getting Married)

Bishops Urge Constitutional Amendment to Protect Marriage (

The Roman Catholic Church and Homosexuality: Years 1998 - 2001 (

Rudy to Run for President of 9/11 (The Onion, February 21, 2007)

The Paradox Called Gay Republicans (Ramone Johnson, Gay Life)

AIDS, Condoms and Dogma (Christopher Dickey, On Faith, December 13, 2007)

Human Rights

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Doug

Thanks so much for your blog. I was especially grateful for the appended video. Now that's satiric talent!